Follow my journey

Why you should consider slow travel

Vacations are meant to be a source of relaxation and inspiration, yet often, we find ourselves overwhelmed while travelingβ€”whether it’s from ticking off a list of must-sees, cramming multiple stops into a fortnight, or staying tethered to work emails. So, STOP HERE! Take a deep breath. Go slow my friend. And with slow, I mean, maybe stay a whole week in this little fisherman’s village trying to understand their way of living, take time to read a book, and do NOTHING. Rest your mind and calm yourselves down from all the busyness and responsibilities. Or book a family stay, or volunteer to get intimate experiences into cultural differences.

Enter the concept of Slow Travel, a movement that counters the typical travel stress, focusing on slow, leisurely exploration and meaningful experiences, following the credo LESS IS MORE. But slow Travel isn’t just about moving slowly; it involves traveling during off-peak seasons, engaging mindfully with the environment, and allowing for authentic interactions. This approach emphasizes experiencing a destination deeply rather than just scratching its surface. By favoring QUALITY over QUANTITY, Slow Travel ensures that journeys enrich both the traveler and the communities they visit.

Authentic connections through volunteering

I am taking it slow traveling around the world, not using planes. This liberates me from having lots of options or destinations to travel to. I just have the possibility to visit the neighboring countries. Local buses and trains are a travel experience for themselves, trust me. I’ve met so many interesting people while being on overnight or local buses, as they were curious about a foreigner visiting with his huge backpack. I also ended up in the most random places while hitchhiking, and many times, I got invited to people’s homes.

One thing I love doing and is the best expression of slow travel is volunteering through sites like workaway (BLOG post – my favorite volunteering platforms). I volunteered at a husky farm in remote Estonia. Living with an Estonian family and their 50 huskies, I immersed myself in their daily life, gaining intimate insights into their culture. This included sharing family meals, learning their ways of doing things, how they raise their children, understanding their beliefs, and connecting with neighbors and their family. Such experiences are the essence of Slow Travel, where deep, personal connections transform a simple visit into a profound cultural exchange. Through platforms like Workaway, I could give back to the community, enriching my travel experience with authentic connections and memories that go beyond typical tourist snapshots.

Environmental benefits of slow travel

Slow Travel also stands out for its reduced environmental footprint when opting for public transportation such as buses and trains and avoiding as much as possible taking planes. By avoiding frequent flights and embracing slower modes of transport, travelers significantly lower their CO2 emissions. This not only protects natural resources but also supports sustainable practices in tourism. One has to see flying as an absolute privilege and luxury again, and not as the primary mode of transport. Slow Travel should encourage us to think about how our travel choices affect ecological systems and to opt for alternatives that maintain the health and beauty of our planet because you want to still enjoy the mountains and those breathtaking views in 10 years.

GREEN TRAVEL Calculator – Knowing your footprint

Many people are not sure about their carbon footprint while they travel. That’s why I developed the GREEN TRAVEL Calculator, a tool for everyone to make their impacts more tangible and compensate for the damages caused. It should sensitize people to keep an eye on the environment, even when traveling. With the ZERO Impact Expedition, I am compensating for all the damages and clearing my footprint until the end of my travels! Join me on this venture!

Follow my journey
Authentic connections, Carbon Footprint, GREEN TRAVEL Calculator, Slow travel, sustainable travel, Traveling around the world, Volunteering

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